
How Old is Baby Now...

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

My next gyne appointment - 19 weeks

Just a normal check up. All is well - he says I've only gained 2 kilos - I think his scales are broke!

I come away with a prescription to go to the lab. for a diabetes test (more on that later) and a toxoplasmosis test.

I also get a prescription for my 2nd and big scan to be taken at the end May / Beg June, I have to go to an expert scanning chappy (the same guy that did the scan when I had my amnio) ..... a bit of paper for me to book an appointment to have a check up for an epidural for the end of August.... and a bit of paper to book me into the clinique... phew!

Euro45 and I'm back home smartish as we are moving home today - I wouldn't have booked a gyne appointment for today normally, but the doctor was off sick on Monday and I got my appointment changed...

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