
How Old is Baby Now...

Monday, 9 May 2011

Breast pumps

From my friend Carolina:

As I am breastfeeding Matilda, my midwife said there was a service to rent breast pumps that was reimbursed by the social security. You need a prescription from your GP, Gynéco, pediatrician or midwife. Mine says: "Location d'un tire lait éléctrique  double pompage avec accessoires pendant 6 mois". 

I called Grandir Nature (0800 622 833) and made an appointment for a conseiller to call me back. She did and she asked me a series of questions to see which breast pump suited my needs. I also bought a little set of accessories, which is also reimbursed by the social security and mutuelle. They deliver your breast pump 48 hrs later to your door OR 24 hrs later (if ordered before a certain time, I can't remember) to a Relais Colis.

They also sell organic cloth nappies, organic herbal teas to help breast feeding, creams, bras, cushions (all for breastfeeding, you understand), tops, bottles, cleaning products for baby clothes, bedding, and all sorts of different things, organic, equitable, etc. Really good. . Visit their website, I'm sure it will be explained much better...

Thank you Carolina.

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