
How Old is Baby Now...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

False Alarm?

OK, last night was another night of contractions... I slept for 4 hours in total I think.

We wait until Alicia's gone to school and drive off to the clinique - I'm having a c-section so what's the point of contractions we think....

45 mins of more monitoring - 5 contractions after 8 contractions in the car enroute to the hospital (half an hour's drive) and they tell me that the contractions aren't strong enough and to go home.... and here's a suppository to calm things down a bit (this is specifically emphasised as I'm English and they are not sure that I would know what to do with a suppository....) It's nice to see that the mid-wife and receptionist yesterday and the mid-wife (male and called Lionel) today are the same ones that were there 4 years ago with Alicia...

Tonight no contractions at all in bed - just a few on the sofa after dinner.

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